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more than just a workplace


hello, friend!

It's good to see you here. We are Merixstudio - neither Jedi nor gurus (nor any other kind of superheroes). From a business perspective, we're an agile software team crafting and launching fully-fledged web and mobile apps for clients worldwide. But in our geeky day-to-day life, we're a bunch of friends fully commited to our passions.

Let’s have an informal meeting!

You can also #RecruitUs - after all, we have no secrets and are open to any of your questions! Pop by our office and have a cup of coffee with one of our HR Managers and the leader of the team you’re interested in, all you have to do is schedule a meeting with our HR Team!


We are ordinary people building extraordinary products. Among us, there are musicians, a football coach, a scuba diving instructor, motorcyclists, yoga teachers to name a few, willing to share their passions with other folks. Together we create a great place to work. Get to know us and let us know you.


Want to keen on growing? Our mentors, internal workshops, and training budget will help you boost your skills.

work-life balance

More is not always better. We believe that relaxed, fulfilled people are more satisfied at work.


Team spirit is a huge deal for us. When it comes to giving a helping hand, we're always locked and loaded.

100+ folks

many career paths

no corp style

strong support

new technologies

we also have some rules

home office bonus

One-time 1000 PLN bonus for you to build your own cozy space at home!


Joining a new team is a huge deal. You will start your adventure with your own mentor.

internal trainings

We’re all about learning - during training, internal meetings, or even while playing foosball.

flexible working hours

There is no need to reset your internal clock - night owls and early birds are welcome.

free medical care

In case laughter is not a strong enough medicine

work from home

You want it, you got it. Isn’t that obvious?

chillout spaces

Foosball table, Playstation (with more than FIFA!), racing simulators, or massage chair - there's something for everyone in the office.

bike space

Are you an avid cyclist or simply have a really cool single speed bike? There's room for everyone in the safe parking spot!

See? Not so harsh, right?

you yearly spend 1963 hours at work.

we want them to be fun

When will building custom software bring the most value to your business?
When to go for building custom software?
4 common cases in which going for custom-built software will maximize the value derived from implementing it. WATCH THE VIDEO GUIDE